Diploma in Elementary Education (D.E.L.Ed Programmes)
Enable the student teacher
- - Pupil teachers will be able to understand the nature , purpose and philosophy of secondary education.
- - Prospective teachers will be able to understand the psychology of their pupils and the process of socialization.
- - They will be able to acquire competencies relevant to stage specific pedagogy, curriculum development, its transaction, evaluation and skills for guidance and counseling.
- - They will be able to foster creative thinking among pupils for reconstruction of knowledge.
- - They will be acquainted with factors and forces affecting educational system and needs of special group of pupils.
- - They will be able to utilize information system and community resources as educational inputs.
- - They will be able to develop awareness about role of education in building up a democratic , secular and socialistic pattern of society.
- - They will be able to develop aesthetic sensibilities and research aptitude.
NCTE Documents D.Ed.