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Message From Principal

Dear Parents Students and well wishers,

Greetings to you all from Arya Kanya Gurukul College OF Education

Which is a unit of Arya Kanya Gurukul Mahasabha working in the empowerment of girls for the last 50 years. we have excelled in every initiative that we undertook and we have stood together in facing the challenges in realizing quality education. The college is known for its excellence and all round development of students. I am very happy with the progress the college has made by imbibing in its students value based education synergized with modern teaching learning methods to produce a generation of well informed and emotionally sound generation.

Our college forms part of vast campus with open space specially designed for students to develop their skill in varied spheres of both Academic and culture. The infrastructure is well equipped with labs and airy classrooms. The Faculty is dedicated and committed to impart quality teacher training to prospective teachers for further transmitting knowledge to students for their all round development i.e. 4 H (head, heart, hand & health).
